Kick-off assignment
Mapping the user
Mapping the collection
105 Interfaces Colection
Polaroid Camera
Click here to view the prototype in ADOBE XD view
Things I changed and added
changed the welcome page
The last version was too much. I made the first 2 pages together
added this tip
Final Protoype
The drinking game I designed is played outside and contains physical activities
- The design of it is colorful to suit the party people
- In the research part we had focused on the energy of party people and the game contains using your energy walking, drinking and many other activities you have to do physically
-The tasks given in the game have a connection with the research we did with Mark and Rogerio
Such as:
-apps party people use
-posting things on social media
- It can be played with two or more people together
There is no direct rule that you have to play on one phone. In my 4th testing the users played together with different phones, did different tasks and it worked out.
-All of my users liked the experience of seeing the artworks while drinking. Many of them said that they knew the 'Witte de Withstraat' but didn't know the artworks inside. They were impressed by many of them and even took pictures.(some of them posted the artworks in their instagram stories)
-Many of them advised me to put the app on appstore saying people would love and play this

I enjoyed making the app and the players enjoyed doing it. It didn't start good in the first prototype but step by step it got better and now it works just fine.