Kick-off assignment
Mapping the user
Mapping the collection
105 Interfaces Colection
Inspired by energy

A young male adult finds himself stuck in his personal life and chooses to go to parties to evade his miserable reality as he thinks it might be the only thing that is good for him, thinking short-term. He would rather spend most of his grocery budget on drugs and alcohol than on healthy food and meals that might have good benefits for him. He chooses to go to parties to "have fun" with friends, for the euphoria of substances and to regain some positive energy that he wouldn't have sober even if it's only really temporarily. He dresses up nicely to look at his best and is usually accompanied by some of his closest friends. His objective during changes depending on the circumstances, he either chooses to go up to girls and find someone attractive and if it eventuallys goes bad he chooses to completely "get wasted" to compensate his loss and to avoid the feeling of being a complete failure. He might also choose to directly "get wasted" to celebrate or if his life is not going too bad at the current moment in time. The length of his night depends on a lot of circumstances, if something horrible happens he might like to finish the night early, however if everything goes to plan he would stay up for hours with drugs or alcohol in his head.


A young adult who depends on substances and alcohol in order to in his eyes "have a good night" might feel creative enough to look at the bkor collection to change his vision on certain subjects or to keep a creative and psychedelic mind during the time he is not sober. It could be a way to explore his mind and to keep him entertained. It could help him find lost memories. It could enhance his drug usage experience as it could able his brain to be more inventive with the collection he is looking that. As some of the works are statues and sculptures it could be an easy to trick into thinking something might be true. This young adult can now look at the city of Rotterdam completely differently while discover works of art that correspond with him. It could also create a subject of discussion if he is adventuring with a group of friends.
Drug Addicts
Over-energetic people
Attention getters
As a drinker, drug consumer

I need to have the BKOR collection and drugs

So that I can explore the city of Rotterdam in a much more broad and different perspective. Drugs could also help me evade reality and have something else to think about.
As an over-energetic person

I need to the BKOR collection

So that I can find inspiration and motivation on how I express myself with dancing and music.
As a drinker

I need to have the BKOR collection

So that I can lead my way without having a clear head.
As a attention getter person,

I need good photos, my phone, images and artworks from BKOR collection

so people can know that I am intellectual and having fun.

As a drinker

I wouldn't want to be bored while looking at artworks while I have my drink

so I would like to be a participant of a maybe drinking game for BKOR collection.

As a drinker

I wouldn't want to be bored while looking at artworks while I have my drink so I would like to be a participant of a maybe drinking game.

As an over energetic person I want to express my energy while moving a lot so I would love to be at a place to dance with loud music.
User Group Mapping Diagrams
Miro Board of categorizing and knolling
Full Collection of the User Group
Type and Stereotype
This diagram of our user group is more based on people who are mostly awake at night. It is a more general map including many possible user groupsThis diagram of our user group is more based on people who are mostly awake at night. It is a more general map including many possible user groups

1. “Everyone creates stereotypes. We cannot function in the world without them.” (S.
1.1 Revisit the first exercise (mapping of you & the other). What are the assumptions you (still)
have about the ‘user group’? How were they debunked or confirmed?
Based on my experience, I am assuming party people let themselves be free, not scared of much, focused more on the experience than on the outcome, always in motion and quick on their feet. I am also assuming they are groups of people who regularly go out in parties, clubs and more and it is not at all occasional. They have an unhealthy lifestyle.

1.2 Write down your personal interest in this group? What are you curious about? How do you
relate to this group (positive of negative); do you want to be part of it, do you admire them,
are you more negative about them?
What interests me in this group are the stories and experiences that come out from them. They also have a way of living that I can understand and visualize. I do have a good vision of their way of life or thinking, however with a certain point of view I do not admire them as they can be very unhealthy, unrespectful and do not own up to their responsabilities.

2. Signifiers that stereotype: Objects and their meaning
2.1 Which existing stereotypes have you found about your group? Describe them.
Alcoholics and Substance consumers: rely on doing drugs or drinking alcohol to be able to "have fun".
Dancers: mostly spend their time on the dancefloor and have a particuliar attachment to music.
Talkers: are very communicative and like interaction. They have for objective to sexually attract other individuals.
Attention getter: are obsessed in creating attention on themselves over the little or big things they do.

2.2 Fragmentation and Fetishized: Which objects (e.g. food, products, clothes, part of the body)
are used to stereotype with? Where did you find them? In which shape, form or media (jokes,
sayings, news, tv, politics, shops, history, education,…)

Alcoholics and Substance consumers: They are mostly assimilated with drinks or substances. It is a saying, but we can also find them in news, tv and social media as they tend to give a mediocre name for themselves.
Dancers: Clothing adapted to dancing, dresses and more. It is a saying.
Attention getter: Flashy and or attractive clothing. It is a saying that turned into a joke.

3. The effect of stereotypes: Power and discrimination
3.1 Who spreads these stereotypes about your usergroup? What do you assume their intention
is? Did you find examples of discrimination, ongoing conflicts, historic events or other
injustices where stereotypes are used to control or overpower your ‘user group’? Which
system of oppression is it part of (racism, classism, agism, sexism)?
I am assuming the people who spread theses steoreotypes are the same ones who go to these parties, for mocking other people or spreading out their own experience and point of view. Drug consumers and drinkers were highly represented during Woodstock 1969, the first music festival in history. The people that went to this festival tended to give a bad reputation of themselves as hippies or drug addicts.

3.2 Have you found examples where your ‘social group’ is reversing the stereotype; using the
known stereotypes and appropriating for their own cause?. “Everyone creates stereotypes. We cannot function in the world without them.” (S.
During the Woodstock 1969, people who went to the festival did not worry much about what people thought on the news or in the "outside world". They did not care if anything was too taboo and let themselves be free to be whoever they want and to do whatever they liked.
1.“Everyone creates stereotypes. We cannot function in the world without them.” (S. Gilman) 1.1 Revisit the first exercise (mapping of you & the other). What are the assumptions you (still) have about the ‘user group’? How were they debunked or confirmed?

In my first map I mentioned that their sleep schedule is unhealthy. However, I think it depends on how many days a week they party. I find it okay to maybe sleep late at night sometimes.
Another assumption I had mentioned is that they might be having health problems. There are many people who have parties in the Netherlands. Everyone doesn't jump, drink and dance that much. It depends on the person and how much you participate. Some of them who are addicted to alcohol, weed and drugs definetely have health problems though. Some of them might be affected and be having health problems but not all of them(especially alcoholics) It depends on how much you party. If you party all the time regularly yes you will have health problems though. I had talked about they listen to techno music. Based on my research they listen to different music types too. It depends on the party. Such as: EDM, trap, hiphop, trance, deephouse and techno.

1.2 Write down your personal interest in this group? What are you curious about? How do you relate to this group (positive of negative); do you want to be part of it, do you admire them, are you more negative about them?
My personal to the group is their energy. They are filled with aliveness. I am curious about the things they are feeling durings songs, parties. The energy and the way to express it. I would want to experience some parties, and connect/meet with different people. However, I wouldn't want to do this regularly in my life.

2. Signifiers that stereotype: Objects and their meaning 2.1 Which existing stereotypes have you found about your group? Describe them.

Alcoholics: They drink a lot. They drink acohol in their daily lives. Possibility of getting wasted. They might be avoiding reality or maybe drinking to cheer up.
Drug Consumers: They use drugs regularly.
Over energetic people: They're really active at the parties. They are screaming loud, dancing and being in a lot of motion.
Drug addicts: They take drugs everyday or few times a day and they can't stay without taking them. After certain point in their lives they become more tolerant to drugs. They face many health problems,
Social media addict: Posts stories on Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok during the party. They are addicted to their phoned in daily life as an addiction.

2.2 Fragmentation and Fetishized: Which objects (e.g. food, products, clothes, part of the body) are used to stereotype with? Where did you find them? In which shape, form or media (jokes, sayings, news, tv, politics, shops, history, education,…)

weed bags: Little refrigirator kind of bags weed and drugs are put in. In the movies, news and around us.
cannabis plant: the plant for weed. From the coffeeshops. Many of the coffeeshops have the cannabis plant as a decoration.
whiskey: alcoholic and drinker people. From the movies. Especially Jack Daniels
Injections: use of drugs. We can see it from movies and news
dilated pupils and red eyes: drug users. We can see it in also real life. Movies, news
fancy clothes: Attention getters and social media addicts wear good clothes to show tmesleves and get attention.
psychedelic: High people. We can listen it from other peoples experiences

3. The effect of stereotypes: Power and discrimination

3.1 Who spreads these stereotypes about your usergroup? What do you assume their intention is? Did you find examples of discrimination, ongoing conflicts, historic events or other injustices where stereotypes are used to control or overpower your ‘user group’? Which system of oppression is it part of (racism, classism, agism, sexism?
There are many people who attend the parties with different intentions. Some go to dance have fun get drunk, some people (some boys) want to meet with the girls, some go to meet people. There is a social atmosphere in the party. Due to these gossip happen while or after the parties. Where people share their experiences.
Woodstock Festival was a festival that ended very bad due to drug use. Many people died from overdose. News channels made news about this festival. People there was mentioned as 'hippies' and 'drug addicts'. These 2 are the stereotypes that got spread.
Powder Ridge Rock Festival is the festival that happened after Woodstock. This festival had been canceled by the authorities because of the Woodstock. However, people went there to have fun.
In these 2 examples the stereotype 'hippies' were the main focus. The authoroties didn't let the 'hippies' meet again (because of the Woodstock) and tried to stop Powder Ridge Rock Festival.

3.2 Have you found examples where your ‘social group’ is reversing the stereotype; using the known stereotypes and appropriating them for their own cause? (see more Hall, 5.1: Reversing the stereotype).
Young people can come up with the excuse of being young. Such as 'YOLO'. 'YOLO' is the short version of You only live once. This phrase makes people more free and care about the world less. They feel the need to do whatever they want.

Alcoholics are people that depend on drinks and alcohol in order to in their point of view "have a good time". They heavily depend on it as they compare their time being sober and describe as boring, unentertaining, bitter. Alcohol helps them loose their mind and escape their daily routine and reality. They could find good things in alcohol if they are on a bad day and want to turn things or if they just want to celebrate.

What are the effects of alcohol?

- Lowered inhibitions, leading to poor social judgment.
- Trouble concentrating.
- Loss of coordination.
- Loss of critical judgement.
- Dulled perception, especially vision.
- Mood swings.
- Reduced core body temperature.
- Raised blood pressure.
- Passing out.
- Vomiting.

When can someone be considered as an alcoholic?

- They have the desire to stop but the inability to do so. They are at least psychologically dependant on alcohol.
- Once that person becomes physically weak when alcohol leaves their system. In other words physical dependance on alcohol.
- When they might be relucant about going to a certain event or engage with others if they won't be able to have a drink.
- Most often when they don't mind drinking alone, in solitude, and do not have the intention to celebrate anything or to drink to anything.
- When they are confronted on a daily basis with problems linked to their desire to drink or the fact that they drink.

How can someone identify an alcoholic from the rest?

- When they have an unusual high tolerence for alcohol. When they continue to drink while others start to slow down.
- When they start hiding alcohol
- When they start not showing up on a regular basis at work.
- When they loose the notion of what is appropriate/dangerous/direspectful and what isn't.
-When they avoid situations that do not include alcohol.

How could we differenciate some who is drunk from someone who is high?

With alcohol people are likely to become more clumsy, and have poor decision-making attributes as their brain starts to slow down. As with marijuana on the other hand people might more relaxed and rested.
Someone who is drunk is therefore definitely more energetic than someonne who is high.

Like alcohols they have an addiction, however it is to substances and drugs. It could be because of what the drugs they consume actually contain (Some drugs like cocaine or heroine are addictive) or it could be like with alcohol, as they started the habit of consuming. Their goals stay similar to drunk people, to celebrate or to turn things around on a bad day. To escape reality and the sadness and emetional part of it.

How to identify drug users/ addicts?

- bloodshot eyes
- dilated or constricted pupils
- drastic weight loss over a short period of time
- evidence of drug use on the body, such as needle marks
- frequent absenteeism or tardiness to school or work
- frequent confusion
- hostility when confronted about drug use
- lackadaisical attitude toward personal hygiene and grooming
- mood swings
- preoccupation with using or finding drugs
- shakiness or tremors
- spends the majority of their time using or recovering from the effects of drugs
- unable or unwilling to quit using drugs despite financial, family, health and legal problems

What are popular drugs at parties?

- MDMA: It impacts functioning of the brain basically releasing a neurotransmitter known as serotonin, and also temporarily prevents its reuptake. The user then gets a feeling connectedness, and effects like those felt after taking psychedelics and stimulants.
- Marijuanna: a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant. Could cause a wide variety of short-term effects like sleepiness, paranoia, hallucinations, impaired or reduced comprehension and more.
- Cocaine;Cocaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid usually extracted from the leaves of the coca shrub, which was originally found in the Andes Mountains of Peru and Bolivia. It increases your body to go faster and to be more energetic.

How are drug addicts particuliar?

They can be seen as dangerous or shady as the drugs they consume are in most cases illegal. They could also be defined as "freaks" as they their attitudes and behaviors are really hard to predict and they do tend to loose the perception of what is right and what isn't.

In the opposite of the seducer, in the seduction scenario they are the prey. They are here to grab the attention of others. They can do that in a lot of different ways, they are most of time perceived as noisy, communicative.

How can they be identified?

They could be wearing flashy clothing, or could have a certain attitude that make here apear in the eyes of as most people as possible. They tend to include as much people as possible in their discussions and could eventually pretend they are having a good time. Nowadays, they could also be dependant to their phone and like to take a lot of selfies and to be active on social media.
They are people for which their main goal when going to parties are to seduce, attract girls or "preys" (person for which they feel sexually attracted to) to fulfill their sexual desires. Unlike others they are not here to enjoy their time but to waste as last time as possible. Therefore in some cases they could be seen as quite direct. In the seduction scenario they can defined as the hunter.

Some seducers have a certain type of seducing:

The Siren - Men chase after her feverishly (the more he chases the more in love he becomes)
The Rake - Women lose the will to resist him (the more she resists him the more in love she is when he overcomes it)
The Ideal Lover - An Actor willing to play the part of what someone is missing in life (This takes A LOT of effort, and observation)
The Dandy - We follow, envy and admire how different and unique they are. They do things their way and never conform (This is MUCH MORE than just how you dress)
The Natural - Their presence and attitude lowers our adult defensiveness
The Coquette - A Mirage that traps people emotionally. The longer they trap us the more in love we become (She loves me, she loves me not)
The Charmer - They understand us so well and are so pleasant to be around. Quickly becomes our "best friend" and we don't deny them anything e.g. secrets or favours
The Charismatic - This person can work a crowd and make us do whatever they want e.g. think any influencer with over 5 million followers (the bar used to be 1 million)
The Star - Mysterious, like a dream we can't fully understand them to the point we obsess over them

Over- Energetic People
Day are really active in the parties. They are in a lot of motion dancing, singing and jumping. They use the party atmosphere to express their energies.

How can they be identified?
They move a lot during the parties. They are the actively participants.
Final user mapping
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Party people have many charecteristic which they can ne identified for. There are many people who party for different kinds of reasons. Some of them can be described as escaping from daily life, a reason to be drunk, find love and so on. When we look at the party atmosphere one of the things that catch our eye is the energy going on. There are a lot of energy in the place and in many of the party peoples bodies during that. In the place there are many things going on. The songs, the neon lights, drinking, dancing, jumping singing... Many party people interact with the parties in many ways. Some dance and use energy all the time, some chat and get to know people, some sing, some get drunk. There is a mix of many different things in total and the parties are in their own a different kind of place. There is a unity and an atmosphere inside. There are people with whole different charecteristic bonding with each other in that atmosphere. In the next step we will focus on their lifestyles we made researches about. Their energy, the main behaviours and things they have and use, their needs to party and have fun is our main focus. Giving them a fun experience is the focus.